The Christmas holiday is probably one of the hardest times for those who are staying abroad at this time and do not have the possibility to meet their family and loved ones. During Christmas, the longing for our local country and our local traditions is revived. However, there are many ways to try to recreate them. In the article, you can read about how to cope and go through Christmas in emigration. We invite you to read the article!

It is estimated that more than half of emigrants cannot imagine Christmas without their family. A similar number intends to cultivate their customs abroad. There are many ways to spend Christmas abroad and each one has its advantages!
Preparations for Christmas in emigration
It is best to start organizing Christmas not a week before Christmas Eve, but much earlier, for example during holidays spent in our local country. We can already stock up on many delicacies in cans or jars with an appropriate expiration date. We can also make an appointment with the relatives in our local country, to send us a package before Christmas, so that our Christmas table does not lack traditional flavors and aromas.
Cheap shipments abroad – Comparison of courier companies
If you do not have such a possibility, it is worth checking whether local stores accept orders for the necessary ingredients. It is worth doing it in early December so that they arrive just before Christmas. Both carp (or other best free-living salmon in the Pacific and Atlantic) and ready-made dumplings for borscht, are often imported at the request of the local given community.
The most important tradition, however, is Christmas cleaning and decorating! It doesn’t matter if you live in a house, an apartment or a room. Even the smallest, self-dressed Christmas tree, a wreath or a spruce twig will certainly cheer us up during the preparations. Wherever we spend Christmas, it is possible!
Let’s also take care of our pre-Christmas mood! Listening to well-known hits such as Last Christmas, but also traditional Christmas carols in our favorite performance.
Remember that Christmas is celebrated in almost every place in Europe! You will not miss the sound of Christmas songs on the radio and the charm of the decorations in the streets!
See How Christmas is celebrated in European countries
Christmas with or without family
Most foreigners in emigration spend Christmas in two ways. Those who are abroad with their families usually unite and meet together at the Christmas Eve table. Christmas then resembles that in their own country and provides just as much joy. There are many people who brought their families to be with them, not wanting to leave their loved ones miles away and experience separation.
Christmas without a family in emigration, although it is different, can also have its charm. This is a period when you have the opportunity to meet and share this special time with other friends, who are staying with you abroad. This is the perfect opportunity to make friends and support each other. It is also worth remembering that for separated families, the Internet is there to help.
Now virtually everyone has access to it, so it’s a good idea to take advantage of it and call your loved ones through Skype. Learn more about how to connect with loved ones for Christmas.
New customs in a new place – Christmas in emigration
It is hard for an emigrant raised on his local traditions to find himself in a different culture. However, if there is no possibility to join with loved ones in our local country and spend Christmas as usual, maybe it’s worth trying something new? Being abroad, we have to accept the fact that a perfect recreation of Christmas will not be possible. However, no one said that our traditions are the only ones! It is worth observing how the citizens of a given country organize Christmas and maybe borrow some new, interesting custom!
An example is the Dutch custom of sending cards to all friends, including those, with whom we have no daily contact. Or the interesting Italian tradition of decorating nativity scenes, which are as important as Christmas trees! Eventually, the British Christmas rush and shopping frenzy. Maybe it will get to you too?
This new way of celebrating Christmas can also be applied in the kitchen. If we want something unique from our local country to be on our table, we need to get it in advance. However, it is worth trying new and unprecedented dishes, to diversify the festive table with them. For example, the popular German potato salad, Swedish salmon or British pudding.
To sum up, Christmas in emigration can take many forms and gain new meanings. However, something new does not always mean worse. Therefore, in this Christmas, we wish you to gain positive memories, both if you spend it away from your local country, or just planning a trip.