Wrzesień większości z nas kojarzy się z rozpoczęciem nowego roku szkolnego. W związku z powrotem do szkół odpowiemy sobie na pytanie: ile zarabiają nauczyciele za granicą? Zarobki nauczycieli w Europie z roku na rok ulegają zmianie, dlatego warto być na bieżąco. Sprawdź, w którym kraju w Europie zarabia się najwięcej na stanowisku nauczyciela!
Articole generale - Artículos generales - Consejos y novedades para el candidato - Consejos y novedades para el empleador - For candidates - For employers - Für Arbeitgeber - Für Bewerber - General information - Ghiduri de muncă în străinătate - Informacje ogólne o pracy za granicą - Informacje ogólne o pracy za granicą - Najnowsze wiadomości - Pour les employés - Pour les employeurs - Przewodnik - praca w Austrii - Przewodnik - praca w Belgii - Przewodnik - praca w Danii - Przewodnik - praca w Holandii - Przewodnik - praca w Niemczech - Przewodnik - praca w Norwegii - Przewodnik - praca w Polsce - Przewodnik - praca w Szwajcarii - Przewodnik - praca w Szwecji - Przewodnik - praca w Wielkiej Brytanii - Przewodnik - praca we Francji - Przewodniki pracy za granicą - Savjeti i novosti za kandidata - Savjeti i novosti za poslodavca - work in Holland - work in Sweden - Новини - Новости - Путеводитель - Путівники
Applying for a job in Europe can be tricky when you take into account all the differences in application documents across countries. Do you include a photo in your CV or personal details, such as marital status, gender and date of birth? Which format do you use? Chronological or skills-based? To standardise application documents in Europe and thus make it easier to apply for jobs, the Europass CV system was introduced. Providing an easy way for jobseekers to create a CV that is widely recognised in Europe. Europass CV also allows employers to easily compare qualifications and work experience.
Denmark is not a very popular country as a job destination among migrants from Europe. That is why foreigners coming to this country are often surprised by the lifestyle of its inhabitants, which distinguishes them from other Europeans. Despite the fact that Denmark has a land border with Germany – it is a part of Scandinavia. What are the costs of living in Denmark – in this exceptionally picturesque country? Check it out! Costs of living in Denmark: entry and staying When crossing the Danish border, foreigners should have one of the following documents: ID card passport temporary passport It…
The purpose of economic emigration is to increase the content of your own wallet. Most Poles working abroad, however, are not convinced of total emigration and return home after 1-2 years of work in a foreign country. How much can you actually earn by working in another country? Is it possible to save a lot by working even for the minimum wages? Below we compare the minimum wages and the approximate costs of living in seven popular European countries. Check the comparison of european countries. Country – Minimum monthly salary The decision to go to work abroad is usually closely…
If you live in Norway and want to plan a vacation, visit your relatives or you are simply interested in Norwegian culture – we invite you to read more. In this article you will find out, among other things what are the days off and holidays in Norway and what are the most important of them. Norway has always been very popular among economic migrants. Data from the Central Statistical Office (SSB) show that almost 15% of the fjords country’s population are national minorities. Currently, entry to Norway is possible. People who are vaccinated required to: Other people required to:…
Coronavirus pandemic completely changed the entire world. We had to face the new reality where the online world defeated offline. That is why it is important to find yourself in new circumstances. And this will be the topic of our conversation with Vaida Šulniūtė – CEO of an international tourism agency.
Changing jobs Nowadays, the decision to change jobs or industries is not that surprising compared to the 1990s. Working in the same company for the next 10 years or finding a passion and turning it into a profession? When analyzing the labor market of the past few years, an average of about a quarter of the population thinks about changing jobs every six months. Learn how to change your job effectively. Without taking into account the fact that we are increasingly thinking about changing jobs or the industry, it is still a serious decision that is worth considering. It is…
In almost every country you can find your national embassy or consulate. The key task of these two institutions is to protect and represent the interests of their citizens abroad. What is the difference between a consul and a country ambassador? At the very beginning it is worth emphasizing that the consulate and embassy are two different institutions that perform slightly different functions. Quite often these words are used interchangeably, which is a mistake. Embassy – basic tasks In light of the law, the ambassador is primarily a representative of the country. The embassy is the most important diplomatic institution.…
The new reality in which we have all been for over two months already makes us get used to new solutions in many aspects of life. One of them is the new dimension of job search and online recruitment. While it can be easy for people who are used to working remotely, it is more difficult in the case of manual workers for whom a face-to-face job interview has until now been the only known form of employment process. For those we have prepared a short guide on recruitment in remote form. How to prepare well for it? Remote work…
From home, from a coffee house or from travel to the farthest corners of the world. Remote work is currently one of the most popular benefits in job offers. According to research, employees are willing to accept up to 8% lower pay in exchange for the opportunity to work from anywhere (WHA). This situation took on a new meaning at the time when millennials – the digital generation, i.e. people born after 1980 entered the labor market. The current 20 and 30-year-olds value experience more than material stuff. That is why the possibility of remote work, which allows high mobility…