
What to pack when traveling to work abroad?

Every trip abroad, whether for tourism or work, requires proper preparation! As we know, the amount of luggage we can take while traveling depends on the mode of transport and may be more or less limited. What items are worth packing when going abroad for work? Below, you’ll find a list of things to pack for your work trip abroad!

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Sometimes a trip can mean being away from home for several months. Packing for a week-long vacation can be tricky, let alone for such a long period! What should you bring? The simplest answer is to take only what’s necessary. Do you know what you’ll actually need abroad?

Packing list for a work trip abroad – What should we not forget?

Documents are the first thing to remember when packing for a trip abroad… yet they often slip our minds in the rush of preparing clothes and other items! What documents should you take with you while traveling?

  • Identity document – ID card or passport (check its expiration date!)
  • Driver’s license (if you have one)
  • EKUZ card (European Health Insurance Card) – especially if you are working through a Polish employment agency. With the EKUZ card, you will be able to access medical care for free.
  • Employment contract/any document confirming your employment 
  • Flight/bus tickets/vehicle registration – depending on your mode of transport
  • ICE card (In Case of Emergency) – it’s a good idea to keep emergency contact information for your loved ones in your wallet, in case something happens to you
  • Medical documentation – if you suffer from any chronic illnesses and/or take regular medication
  • List of important addresses/phone numbers – before you leave, it’s worth researching the nearest diplomatic missions/embassies or other Polish organizations that can help you in case of trouble
  • Payment cards and bank account number – it’s important to have your bank account number written down somewhere so you can quickly provide it to your employer

Important! If you’re going abroad for just the season, open a foreign currency account with your bank – this way, you’ll avoid currency conversion fees on your salary and the formalities of opening an account in a foreign bank.

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Things You Can Only Buy in Poland

There’s generally no shortage of products in foreign stores, but each of us has our favorite (and sometimes essential) items that can only be found in Poland.

Before you leave, it’s worth stocking up on things like our favorite and trusted cosmetics, and especially medications – particularly if they are prescription drugs. A doctor should have no trouble writing a prescription for a larger quantity of packaging.

Clothing and Household Items 

How much clothing to pack is a very personal decision. However, there are a few questions worth asking yourself before putting together your wardrobe and other items for the trip:

  • Which country are you traveling to?
    If you’re going, for example, to Scandinavia, sweaters and hoodies will definitely be more useful than 10 pairs of shorts.
  • Do you need workwear?
    If so, we recommend focusing primarily on comfortable shoes!
  • How long are you going for?
    It’s worth considering this and thinking about whether you’ll need, for example, a winter jacket.

What will you find when you arrive?

An important factor to consider is what you’ll find when you get there. Before making the decision to leave, you should check whether your future accommodation (or room) is properly equipped. This way, you can avoid packing unnecessary items such as kitchen accessories, bedding, towels, or just limit yourself to packing your favorite mug or pillow.

Sample Packing List for a Work Trip Abroad

It’s a good idea to make a list of the things you’ll take with you while packing, so that when it’s time to pack for the return trip, you don’t forget anything.

  • Clothing: t-shirts, warm hoodies, pants, rain jacket
  • Comfortable shoes (at least two pairs)
  • Underwear
  • Work clothes
  • Cosmetics
  • Prescription medications you take regularly
  • Kitchen set: plate, mug, bowl, cutlery
  • Two towels
  • Bedding
  • Phone, laptop, chargers
  • Favorite book
  • Documents: ID card, driver’s license, car registration, employment contract, EKUZ card, a note with emergency contact details, a note with contacts for helpful organizations
  • Money: cash and payment card

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How are you traveling abroad?

Finally, you need to consider your mode of transport. If you’re driving your own car, you’ll have much more space, allowing you to take more things with you. Unfortunately, traveling by bus or plane limits you a bit, but it’s not the end of the world! With good organization and a few packing tricks, everything should fit – for example, you can roll up t-shirts into tight rolls that take up less space.

So, once you know how you’ll be traveling, you can roughly determine how much you can take – will it be just one large suitcase or several boxes? Based on this, you can start planning your packing.

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