minimum wage
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Minimum wage in Europe, in 2023

The minimum wage in Europe – what rates apply from 2023? How does UK compare to other European countries?

minimum wage

The whole world is still struggling with the effects of the pandemic and the ongoing war in the Ukraine. The level of inflation in the European Union is the highest in recent years. What are the predictions for 2023? You will find the answers in our previous article – Inflation in Europe.

However, most countries have come to the conclusion that an increase in the minimum wage is an integral part of socio-economic policy and, even in such a difficult time, should not be ignored. For most of society, this is a chance for better earnings in the new year.

Minimum wage in Europe, in 2023

In the latest Eurofound data, European countries are divided into 3 groups in terms of minimum wage levels. Group 1 includes countries where the monthly salary varies between 399 EURO and 840 EURO (Poland is in this group). Consequently, the 2nd group earns between 887 – 1304 EURO/month and the 3rd group – with a minimum salary of more than 1700 EURO/month.

As you can already see, the difference between the minimum bids is significant, sometimes exceeding 1,000 EURO. The highest minimum wage in Europe is almost 7 times higher than the lowest (Bulgaria – 399 EURO, Luxembourg – 2,387 EURO).

The tables below do not include minimum wages in the Scandinavian countries. This is because they do not have fixed rates. The level of remuneration depends both on the decisions of the trade unions and directly on the employer.

Below are the minimum rates that apply in individual European countries from 2023:

First groupMinimum wage
Bulgaria399 EUR
Hungary579 EUR
Romania606 EUR
Latvia620 EUR
Croatia700 EUR
Slovakia700 EUR
Czech Republic717 EUR
Estonia725 EUR
Poland746 EUR
Malta835 EUR
Lithuania840 EUR
Second groupMinimum wage
Portugal887 EUR
Spain1167 EUR
Slovenia1304 EUR
The third groupMinimum wage
France1709 EUR
Ireland1910 EUR
Netherlands1934 EUR
Belgium1955 EUR
Germany1981 EUR
Luxembourg2.387 EUR

Minimum Wages in the Netherlands 2023 – What is age distribution?

Important! When comparing the minimum rates above, it should be remembered that the level of remuneration in the country consists of several important factors, including:

  • unemployment rate 
  • The GDP
  • standard of living
  • the state of the national economy

Also, it should not be forgotten that high earnings usually mean paying higher taxes. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Minimum wage in UK, in 2023

Starting with 1st of April, 2023, the UK minimum wage for 2023 will see further increases. The National Living Wage stands at 10.42 GBP/ hour and will apply to all those aged 23 and up.

Important – those people do not be in the first year of an apprenticeship. 

In the table here below, you will see the rates that will apply starting with 1st April 2023.

Rate1st April 2023
16-17 Year Old5,28 GBP
18-20 Year Old7,49 GBP
21-22 Year Old 10,18 GBP
National Living Wage10,42 GBP

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