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Earth Month 2024 – What event for the team to plan for Earth Day on April 22

Every year, on April 22, the world celebrates Earth Day, but the events usually span the entire month.It is up to us to decide how actively our company will participate in them: will employees want to get involved? Will they offer their suggestions? We suggest you to think in advance about what event for the team to plan for Earth Day on April 22. The options are further in the article.

5 possible activities that are important to launch before Earth Day on April 22. Choose one and start it.For a month, a year, or even longer – maybe the habit will stay with you forever?

Earth Day activities – Waste sorting

This is important both at the company’s scale: production, construction, warehouse, and at the level of employees’ everyday life. Make sure that the canteens, recreation areas, and employee housing have containers for all types of waste: glass, natural waste, paper, and plastic.

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Earth Month – Route optimization

The goal is to reduce emissions of harmful substances. Therefore, we are introducing

– shared transportation to work for employees who live locally close to each other.

– Optimization of logistics reduces not only emissions, but also transportation costs and the number of working hours.

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What to do on Earth Day – Community Cleanups Initiative.

Just one day of cleaning can clean up a fairly large contaminated area. But it is always better to combine the event with incentives for employees. It can be a small treat at the end of the day or additional hours of rest – it’s up to you.

Reducing the use of electricity

The ocean is made up of droplets. More careful control over turning off electrical appliances and equipment that are not needed at the moment will save money and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Environmental work in Europe – Participation in local research initiatives

Not the most obvious option. But it can attract the most attention to the company and be covered by the media. This may include: measuring air indicators at the location, taking soil samples, etc.

Take the initiative and be environmentally conscious with!

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