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Public Holidays and Days off in the Netherlands – 2025

The interest in job offers in the Netherlands published on confirms that it remains an attractive destination for economic migrants. Moreover, in the Netherlands, people adhere to the principle of work-life balance, meaning that besides work, rest is also important. Check when public holidays and days off fall in the Netherlands in 2025.

In the Netherlands, compared to other European countries, there are very few public holidays. The statutory vacation plus public holidays total only 29 days. However, in practice, employers guarantee much more paid vacation in the contracts with their employees. As mentioned, the Dutch highly value the balance between work and private life.

The Netherlands is a country that has long adhered to the principles of secularism, meaning that religion has no significant influence on public and state affairs. Therefore, many religious holidays are not celebrated. However, since Catholics make up the largest group of believers, some holidays are included in the Dutch calendar.

Be sure to check public holidays and celebrations in Belgium for 2025!

King’s Day and Liberation Day – the most important national holidays in the Netherlands

King’s Day, or Koningsdag, is celebrated on April 27 each year in honor of the birthday of the King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander. In 2025, this day falls on a Sunday. It is one of the most important national holidays in the Netherlands, full of festivals, concerts, and outdoor events. In many cities, including Amsterdam, there are colorful parades and the traditional “vrijmarkt” (free market), where people sell various items. Very often, the Dutch wear orange clothes on this day, as it is the color of the royal family in the Netherlands.

Liberation Day, or Bevrijdingsdag, is celebrated on May 5 each year to commemorate the liberation of the Netherlands from German occupation in 1945. In 2025, this holiday falls on a Monday. It is celebrated as a national holiday, remembering the end of World War II in the Netherlands. The celebrations include ceremonies, concerts, and various cultural events, especially in places associated with the country’s liberation. Interestingly, government employees have this day off, while others get it off only every 5 years.

Find a job in the Netherlands

As mentioned at the beginning, the Netherlands has significantly fewer public holidays compared to other EU countries. Below, you can check out popular holidays in the Netherlands that are celebrated, but people still work.

Valentine’s Day (Valentijnsdag)14.02 (Friday)
Good Friday (Goede Vrijdag)18.04 (Friday)
Memorial Day (Dodenherdenking)04.05 (Sunday)
Mother’s Day (Moederdag)11.05 (Sunday)
Father’s Day (Vaderdag)15.06 (Sunday)
All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen)01.11 (Saturday)
St. Nicholas’ Day (Sinterklaasdag)05.12 (Friday)
Christmas Eve (Kerstavond)24.12 (Wednesday)
New Year’s Eve (Oudejaarsavond)31.12 (Wednesday)

Employment in the Netherlands – Necessary Formalities

Public Holidays and Days off in the Netherlands in 2025

Below is a list of public holidays and celebrations in the Netherlands that apply in 2025.

New Year’s Day (Nieuwjaar)01.01 (Wednesday)
Easter (Eerste Pasdag)20.04 (Sunday)
Easter Monday (Tweede Paasdag)21.04 (Monday)
King’s Day (Koningsdag)27.04 (Sunday)
Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag)05.05 (Monday)
Ascension Day (Hemelvaartsdag)29.05 (Thursday)
Pentecost (Eerste Pinkstersdag)08.06 (Sunday)
Pentecost Monday (Tweede Pinkstersdag)09.06 (Monday)
Christmas Day (Kerstdag)25.12-26.12 (Thursday-Friday)

Public Holidays and Days off in Germany in 2025 – When to Take Vacation?

When to take vacation working in the Netherlands?

This year, the Dutch have significantly fewer days off in the middle of the week. Here are two important dates to keep an eye on.

  • Ascension Day (29.05-01.06) – By using one vacation day (30.05 Friday), you get four days off.
  • Christmas (20.12-28.12) – By using three vacation days (22, 23, 24.12), you can enjoy up to nine days off!

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