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Days off and Holidays in Ireland 2022

Ireland, as a working country, no longer attracts the attention of european migrants so clearly. However, Ireland is believed to be somewhat easier to find employment as the country is open to foreign workers. Are you planning a trip to Ireland? Be sure to check Irish holidays and days off.

Going to work abroad is associated with a lot of stress, and sometimes also a culture shock for the newcomer. To make it easier to acclimatize to a new place, we recommend delving into the culture and lifestyle of the destination country before departure. A great solution is to check the days off and holidays that are in force in this country. In this article, we present the holidays and days off in Ireland.

Entering Ireland

Due to the prevailing coronavirus pandemic, entry to Ireland is possible only with a negative PCR test for coronavirus (taken up to 72 hours before arrival) and proof of vaccination. In addition, it is recommended that you conduct daily antigen tests during the first 5 days of your stay in Ireland. The quarantine does not apply.

Just before leaving for Ireland you must complete the Passenger Locator Form.

Like many other EU countries, you can stay and work in Ireland without any additional permits for a maximum of 3 months. Later, you should report to the commune/city office in order to get a registration and local identification number.

Holidays in Ireland

In Ireland, Catholicism is dominant as a Christian denomination (85%) and therefore most of the holidays will coincide with other european countries. It facilitates planning a holiday together with family/friends who live abroad.

St. Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is by far the most popular holiday in Ireland. Although this holiday can certainly be considered international. Practically in every corner of the world it is celebrated to a greater or lesser extent.

St. Patrick is the patron of Ireland, who converted the Irish to Christianity in the 5th century AD. There is no factual evidence for this, but so is the legend.

When is St. Patrick’s Day?

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the day the patron dies, on March 17. Although the date usually falls on the fasting period, all bans on drinking alcohol are lifted on this day. That is why it is then consumed in large quantities.

On this day, residents wear green clothes. It is the national color of Ireland. The green color symbolizes the clover (shamrock), which is often attributed to the image of Saint Patrick and is the main symbol of all of Ireland.

St. Patrick’s Day is officially a day off.

Bank holidays in Ireland

Bank holidays are most often celebrated in Anglo-Saxon countries. There is no attachment to a specific historical date or event here. Ireland has 3 bank holidays: June, August and October. Most often, various festivals, concerts and marathons are organized on this day. Bank holidays mostly fall on Mondays, so it’s a way to plan a longer weekend.

Days off in Ireland – 2022

Even though Ireland is also a Catholic country with similar holidays, the list of days off is a bit shorter. In 2022, there are 10 non-working days in Ireland.



New Year’s Day (Lá Caille)
January 1 (Saturday)

St. Patrick’s Day (Lá Fhéile Pádraig)
March 17 (Thursday)

Easter Sunday (Domhnach Cásca)
April 17

Easter Monday (Luan Cásca)
April 18

Labor Day (Lá an Lucht Oibre)
May 2 (Monday)

June Bank Holiday (Lá Saoire I mí an Mheithimh)
June 6 (Monday)

August Bank Holiday  (Lá Saoire i mí Lúnasa)
August 1 (Monday)

October Bank Holiday (La Saoire Dheireadh Fómhair)
October 31 (Monday)

Christmas Eve (Lá Nollag)
December 25 (Sunday)

Second Day of Christmas/St. Stephen’s Day (Lá Fhéile Stiofáin)

December 26 (Monday)

When to go on vacation in Ireland?

Although there are fewer days off in Ireland, it is certainly possible to plan a longer vacation using the minimum number of vacation days.

  • Saint Patrick’s Day (17.03–20.03)
  • Easter (15.04–18.04)
  • June Bank Holiday (3.06–6.06)
  • August Bank Holiday (29.07–1.08)
  • October Bank Holiday (28.10–31.10)
  • Christmas Eve (23.12–26.12)

Plan your trip to Ireland with

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